Key Features

High Powered

ProTek offers high powered surface mount transient voltage suppression components, that are designed to protect equipment and systems from the damaging effects of high voltage spikes. These devices are compatible with IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD), IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) and IEC 61000-4-5 (Surge) requirements as well DO-160G requirements. Typical applications include relay drives, start/stop motor EMF protection, secondary lightning protection, and module lightning protection. Available in a wide variety of packages such as axial lead, DO-214 and DFNs, these devices have excellent clamping capability, low leakage current and very fast response time.

Product Line

Safeguard Your Interface

55841.0SMBJ Series1000 Watt TVS Component1_0smbj.pdf
54581.5KExxA/CA Series1500 Watt Axial Leaded TVS Component1_5ke.pdf
53351.5SMCxxA/CA Series1500 Watt TVS Component1_5smc.pdf
502415KPA Series15kW Power Axial Leaded TVS Component15kpa.pdf
561030KP490A30kW TVS Component30kp490a.pdf
511330KPA Series30kW Power Axial Leaded TVS Component30kpa.pdf
54095.0SMDJxxA/CA Series5000 Watt TVS Component5_0smdj.pdf
54805KPxxA/CA Series5kW Power TVS Component5kp.pdf
5524DD3K SeriesHigh Powered DSIP TVS Arraydd3k.pdf
5008DLZ SeriesHigh Powered Multi-Line TVS Arraydlz.pdf
5459K SeriesHigh Powered TVS Componentk_series.pdf
5314P15KP Series15kW Power TVS Componentp15kp.pdf
5315P30KP SeriesPower TVS Componentp30kp.pdf
5576P4KExxA/CA Series400 Watt TVS Componentp4ke.pdf
5575P4SMA Series400 Watt TVS Componentp4sma.pdf
5457P6KExxA/CA Series600 Watt TVS Componentp6ke.pdf
5483P6SMBxxA/CA Series600 Watt TVS Componentp6smb.pdf
5650PAM11KLD8S24CAPHigh Power TVS Automotive Componentpam11kld.pdf
5533PAM28DOACxxA/CA Series400 Watt TVS Componentpam28doac.pdf
5538PAM29DOAAxxA/CA Series600 Watt TVS Componentpam29doaa.pdf
5539PAM30DOAAxxA/CA Series600 Watt TVS Componentpam30doaa.pdf
5542PAM31DOABxxA/CA Series1500 Watt TVS Componentpam31doab.pdf
5550PAM32DOABxxA/CA Series3000 Watt TVS Componentpam32doab.pdf
5551PAM33DOABxxA/CA Series5000 Watt TVS Componentpam33doab.pdf
5585PAM35DOABxxA/CA Series1500 Watt TVS Componentpam35doab.pdf
5590PAM36DOAAxxA/CA Series1000 Watt TVS Componentpam36doaa.pdf
5657PAM39SDxxAL/CAL Series400 Watt TVS Componentpam39.pdf
5662PAM40SDxxBL/CBL Series200 Watt TVS Componentpam40.pdf
5641PAM4SMA Series400 Watt TVS Componentpam4sma.pdf
5545PAM5S SeriesHigh Power TVS Arraypam5s.pdf
5544PAM6S SeriesHigh Power TVS Arraypam6s.pdf
5649PAM7KSMDJ24CAP7000 Watt TVS Componentpam7ksmdj.pdf
5486PAM8S SeriesHigh Power TVS Arraypam8s.pdf
5520PDTVSxxCA SeriesHigh Current TVS Diodepdtvs_ca.pdf
5594PHYTVSxxxV3 SeriesHybrid TVS Componentphytvs_v3.pdf
5606PHYTVSxxxV4 SeriesHybrid TVS Componentphytvs_v4.pdf
5600PSMFxxAL/CAL Series400W TVS Componentpsmf_al.pdf
5608PSMFxxBL/CBL Series200 Watt TVS Componentpsmf_bl.pdf
5647SKCxxx/C SeriesHigh Powered TVS Componentskc.pdf
5653SM100KWE78CA100 Kilowatt TVS Componentsm100kwe.pdf
5514SM10KWExxA/CA Series10 Kilowatt TVS Componentssm10kwe.pdf
5468SM10KWxxA/CA Series8.5 Kilowatt TVS Componentssm10kw.pdf
5556SM15KWExxA/CA Series15 Kilowatt TVS Componentssm15kwe.pdf
5589SM30KWExxA/CA Series30 Kilowatt TVS Componentsm30kwe.pdf
5332SM3KWxxA/CA Series3000 Watt TVS Componentsm3kw_a.pdf
5333SM5KWxxA/CA Series5000 Watt TVS Componentsm5kw_a.pdf
5510SM5S SeriesHigh Power TVS Arrayssm5s.pdf
5511SM6S SeriesHigh Power TVS Arrayssm6s.pdf
5453SM8S SeriesHigh Powered TVS Arraysm8s.pdf
5405SMAJ Series400 Watt TVS Componentsmaj.pdf
5407SMBJ Series600 Watt TVS Componentsmbj.pdf
5406SMCJ Series1500 Watt TVS Componentsmcj.pdf
5525SMDD3K SeriesHigh Powered DSIP TVS Arraysmdd3k.pdf
5413SMDJ Series3000 Watt TVS Componentsmdj.pdf
5609SMEJxxCA SeriesHigh Current TVS Diodessmej.pdf