Key Features
High Powered
ProTek offers three types of Modules: AC Power, DC Power and Data Line. In addition, ProTek’s modules are designed to meet surge, line to ground, and line to line immunity requirements – IEC 61000-4-5.
ProTek’s AC POWER products provide 2-stage lightning protection for Military and Commercial applications such as Aircraft, Shipboard and Industrial Monitoring Equipment.
ProTek’s DC POWER products provide protection against long duration switching transients for Military and Commercial applications such as Drive Motors and Controls, MIL-STD-1275 Power Bus and mobile electronics operating in harsh environments.
ProTek’s DATA LINE products provide single and multiple line protection for both low and high frequency applications in a variety of packages. These devices are ideal for use in Industrial Control and Monitoring Systems, Security Alarm Systems and Data/Telecommunications Equipment

Product Line
Safeguard Your Interface
5646 | 100KS200CNH | Shipboard/AC Power Bus Voltage Suppressor | 100ks200cnh.pdf |
5023 | 15KP Series | 15kW Power Axial Leaded TVS Component | 15kp.pdf |
5060 | 232B & 232E | Industrial Computer 2 Stage Data Line TVS Protector | 232e_b.pdf |
5053 | 420E Series | Dual 4-20mA Control Loop TVS Protector | 420e2.pdf |
5048 | 420LB & 420LE | Two Line Pair 4-20mA Control Loop TVS Protector | 420le_b.pdf |
5046 | 422B & 422E | 2 Stage Data Process Line TVS Protector | 422e_b.pdf |
5038 | 422ELC | Digital Process 2 Stage Data Line TVS Protector | 422elc.pdf |
5039 | 485ELC | High Speed Ethernet 2 Stage Data Line TVS Protector | 485elc.pdf |
5016 | 587B 120V Series | 120V AC Power Line Surge Suppressor | 587b120v.pdf |
5047 | 587B 240V Series | 240V AC Power Line Surge Suppressor | 587b240v.pdf |
5040 | 587BLP 120V Series | Low Profile 120V AC Power Line Surge Suppressor | 587blp.pdf |
5057 | 587BLP 240V Series | Low Profile 240V AC Power Line Surge Suppressor | 587blp2.pdf |
5064 | 587BLPE Series | Low Profile 240V AC Power Line Surge Suppressor | 587blpe.pdf |
5026 | 60 & 90KS Series | Shipboard/AC Power Bus Voltage Suppressor | 60_90ks.pdf |
5021 | 704 Series | High Power Aircraft/Vehicle DC Power Bus Voltage Suppressor | 704.pdf |
5028 | GPZ1275 | High Energy Extended Pulse TVS | gpz1275.pdf |
5465 | GPZ1275B60K | High Energy Extended Pulse TVS | gpz1275b60k.pdf |
5291 | GPZ532 | High Energy Extended Pulse TVS | gpz532.pdf |
5665 | PAL704-P15K36 & PAL704-P15K36T | High Power Aircraft/Vehicle DC Bus Voltage Suppressor | pal704.pdf |
5578 | PHCR Series | High Powered TVS Component | phcr.pdf |
5027 | PHP & PIP Series | AC Power Bus Voltage Suppressor | php.pdf |
5583 | PNH1275 & PNH1275B | High Energy - Extended Pulse TVS | pnh1275.pdf |
5654 | PNH704270A & PNH704270CA Series | High Energy Extended Plus TVS | pnh704270a.pdf |
5633 | PPZ516 & PPZ516B | High Energy Extended Pulse TVS Module | ppz516_b.pdf |
5050 | TEL185B & TEL185E | Telephone Interface Protector | tel185e.pdf |
5049 | TEL50B & TEL50E | PBX Low Voltage Telephone Protector | tel50e_b.pdf |